Lecture Plan
Lecture 1-4: Evolution of Management Thoughts
- Classical, Behavioral, and Modern theories
- Nature of Management, Managerial Roles
Lecture 5-6: Scope, Level, & Functional Areas of Management
- Finance; Marketing; HR; Production; R&D
Lecture 7-8: Basic Functions of Management
- Planning, Organizing, Organization Structure
(Discussion on different aspects of modern-day management)
Lecture 9-10: Directing, Staffing, Controlling
- Recruitment, Performance Evaluation, Coordination.
Lecture 11: Organizational Structures
- Types of structures, their advantages, and disadvantages.
Lecture 12-13: Individual Behavior Characteristics and Emotional Intelligence
- Personality traits, Emotional Intelligence, perception, attitude, and learning.
- Activities:
- Self-assessment: Personality and Emotional Intelligence.
- Interactive session on perception and attitude with real-life examples.
Lecture 14: Communication
Lecture 15-16: Interpersonal Behavior, and OB Models
- Transactional Analysis, Johari Window, OB Models.
- Activities:
- Role-playing communication scenarios.
- Simulation: Transactional Analysis exercises.
Lecture 17: Foundations of Group Behaviour
- Group formation, dynamics, teams vs. groups.
Lecture 18-19-20: Work Motivation Theories
- Need theories, (Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Alderfer’s ERG theory, McClelland’s Need theory); Theory X-Y, Two-Factor Theory, Vroom’s expectancy theory, Adams equity theory, Ouchi‘s Theory Z
- Group discussion: Application of different motivation theories.
- Case study analysis: Motivation strategies in organizations.
Lecture 21-22: Leadership Concepts and Theories
- Leadership styles, Trait Theory, Fielder’s Contingency Theory, etc.
- Leadership styles through role-plays.
- Case study analysis: Leadership traits of famous leaders.
Lecture 23: Power and Politics in Organizations
Lecture 24-25: Contemporary Issues in Leadership and Power
- Group project: Develop a leadership development program.
- Discussion: The impact of power and politics in organizations.
Lecture 26: Conflict Management
- Role-playing conflict scenarios and resolution strategies.
Lecture 27-28: Work Stress and Work-Life Balance
Lecture 29: Organizational Culture
Lecture 29-30: Managing Change
- Change management strategies, resistance.
- Activities:
- Case study analysis: Change management in practice.
- Group discussion on strategies to handle resistance to change.