SM Readings
- Ghemawat, P. (2017). Strategy and the Business landscape. Pearson Publishers.
- Hitt, Michael A., Ireland, R. D., Hoskisson, Robert,E. & S., Manikutty (2016). Strategic Management: A South- Asian Perspective. Cengage Learning, India
- Thompson, Arthur A. & A., J. Strickland (2012). Strategic Management. McGraw Hill, New York.
- Wheelen, Thomas L., Hunger, J. David, Hoffman, Alan N. & Charles, E. Bamford (2017). Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
- Hill, Charles W. L. & Jones, R. G. (2012). Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. Cengage Learning, India.
- Davidson, W. H. (2013). Global Strategic Management. John Wiley, New York.
- Frynas, J. G. & K., Mellahi (2014). Global Strategic Management. Oxford University Press.
Readings – Papers:
- Porter, Michael E. What is Strategy Harvard Business Review. Nov-Dec 1996, 61-78.
- Hamel & Prahlad. Strategic Intent. Harvard Business Review. May June 1989, 63-76
- Porter, Michael E. How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy. Harvard Business Review. Nov-Dec 1996, 61-78
- Ansoff, Igor. (1980). Strategic Issue Management. Strategic Management Journal, 1(2). 131-148.
- Campbell-Hunt, Colin. (2000). What have we learned about Generic Competitive Strategy? A Meta-Analysis. SMJ. 21(2). 127-154.
- Eisenhardt & Sull (2001). Strategy as Simple Rules, HBR
- Porter & Kramer (2002). The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy. HBR, Dec – 57-68.
- Porter (1987). From Competitive Advantage to corporate strategy. HBR. 43-59
- Prahalad & Hamel (1990). The Core Competence of the Corporation. HBR. May-June. 79-91
- Wernerfelt (1984). A Resource-Based View of the Firm. SMJ. Apr-Jun. 5(2). 171-180.
- W Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne (2004). Blue Ocean Strategy. HBR. Oct.
- Kummer & Steger (2008). Why Merger and Acquisition waves reoccur: the vicious circle from pressure to failure. SMR. 2(1) 44-63
- Ken Starkey & Alan McKinlay. Beyond Fordism? strategic choice and labor relations in Ford UK. Industrial Relations Journal
- Porter & Kramer (2006). Strategy & Society – the link between competitive advantage and CSR. HBR, Dec.
- Hemant Merchant & Dan Schendel (2000). How do international joint ventures create shareholder value? SMJ 21. 723-737.
- David J Hall & Maurice A Saias (1980). Strategy Follows Structure! SMJ. 1(2). 149-163.
- Donald N Sull (1999). Why Good Companies Go Bad. HBR. Jul-Aug
- Sengul & Dimitriadis (2015). Multimarket Competition. Journal of Organizational Design. 4(3). 18-30.
- Dhanda & Shrotryia (2020). Corporate Sustainability: the new organizational reality. Qualitative Research in Organizations & Management.
- Prahalad (1976). Strategic choices in diversified MNCs. HBR. Jul-Aug. 67-78.