People work to achieve their individual goal. I believe that human beings are wired or programmed to work, for livelihood or otherwise. …
Embed from Getty Images रिश्ते पानी की तरह साफ़ होते हैं तो नदी बन समंदर हो जाते हैं. रिश्ते बर्फ़ की तरह …
The dominance of market forces in the given conditions of capitalism is converting all subjective measures into objective ones and all intangible …
Today I was delivering a lecture in a Refresher Course and I was posed with a very relevant question. ‘What is the …
I have been interacting with many students who wish to pursue doctoral research and lead a career in academics. These interactions have …
When people are considered asset the idea behind is not their body but their intellect, talent, knowledge, and ability. Individuals keep investing …
I had been thinking of visiting Kathmandu for a long time. In the past, I had the opportunity to visit a few …
There was a question posed to me – ‘’If someone does good for us, why do we suspect his/her intent, why it …
Happiness and satisfaction are closely related. Presumably satisfaction can be measured however it is extremely difficult to measure happiness. Satisfaction concerns past …
Embed from Getty Images रिश्तों का आकाश क्षेत्र, धरती के विस्तार की सीमा से अधिक होता है रिश्तों की सूक्ष्मता, …
Behaviour is caused by reasons. Reaction and reflection are expressive parts of behaviour. Apart from reasons there are several other factors that …
Today I wrote this message for the Year Book for M Com Batch 2021-23, upon a request from the ECA Society of …
Many of my students have been showing their concern on the new forms of organizational structures. As we are living in the …
Embed from Getty Images रिश्तों का सौंदर्य एक दूसरे को समझने में निहित होता है कोई स्वयं जैसा नहीं मिल सकता …
One of my students shared this post with me and asked a question: Sometimes you are unsatisfied with your life, while many …
Many of my students come to me and share their anguish over not getting selected in interviews of different kinds whether it …